Saturday, June 22, 2013

Monday, December 14, 2009

Edwin T. Denig's Will

click on the document to enlarge

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Edwin Thompson Denig's Old Will Helps to Identify His Writings

Click on the pic to enlarge and read

Ida Adeline Denig (youngest daughter of Edwin Denig and Deer Little Woman) ~ wife of Charles Simpson

Portraits of Edwin T. Denig and his wife (used in 46th Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology) were sent by Mrs C. S. Simpson, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada, to R. G. Denig, March 21, 1923, for use in "The Manoe-Denigs," a family chronicle, New York, 1924, and were taken from a locket in Mrs Simpson's possession. Probably taken between 1855 and 1858. In 1855 Mr Denig took his wife and family to the States, and the pictures may have been made at that time. --John C. Ewers.
Letter of September 30, 1965 from Mrs Doris Cerveri, 1264 Patrick Avenue, Reno, Nevada states: "Deer Little Woman, who was married to Edwin Thompson Denig, and who was a daughter of Iron Arrow Point, Chief of Stone Band of Assiniboines. I do not know of her Indian name. Later she was known as Christiana Olson."
Edwin Denig entered fur trade 1833 and became very influential among the tribes of the upper Missouri. Was for a time a Government scout.... bookkeeper for the American Fur Co. Earlier had gone to St Louis and became connected with the Choteaus and the American Fur Co. Before he was 30 years of age he was living among the Indians as the representative of these two companies in the country of the Sioux, between the headwaters of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.

William GABRIEL Bourgeois - My Grandfather

Born: May 27, 1898

My Great Grandfather and his Wife

Alcide Bourgeois and his wife Marie-Anne Adelaide Carriere

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Deer Little Woman

Sarah Denig (daughter of Deer Little Woman) with her daughters Marie-Anne Adelaide Carriere & Marie Virginie (Mary) Carriere Note: Please correct me if I am wrong - believe this to be Marie Virginie.

Sarah Denig was married to Augustin Carriere on August 5, 1862

Deer Little Woman was the daughter of Iron Arrow Point, Chief of the Rock Band of the Assiniboine and sister to First to Fly, who after a power struggle with several of his brothers emerged as a major leader among the lower Assiniboine.
She was the second wife of Edwin. He had previously been with another Indian woman which little is known about.
In the summer of 1855, Denig took his Assiniboine wife, Deer Little Woman, and his mixed-blood children to visit his brother, Augustus, in Columbus, Ohio. In St. Louis en route Denig and Deer Little Woman were formally married by Father Daemen. Their children were baptized while in that city. Denig had an eldest son, Robert with his previous Indian woman who there is little known about. He had three other children: Sarah (born August 10, 1844), Alexander (born May 17, 1852), and Ida (born August 22, 1854). Denig and his family returned to Fort Union on November 28, 1855 but in the middle of the following summer the family moved to Red River Settlement in Canada. Very little is known of Denig's life in Canada. He had placed Sarah and Alexander in Catholic Schools. Denig established himself as a private trader on the White Horse Plains west of the present city of Winnipeg. Late in the summer of 1859, Edwin T. Denig was stricken with an inflamation which his daughter Sarah, believed was appendicitis. Denig died on the White Horse Plains, September 4, 1858, and was buried in the Anglican cemetery near the present village of Headingly, Manitoba. He was only forty-six years of age at the time of his death.